Photo by Ruis
With the guests all on The Voyager, the wedding party gathered, and vows exchanged now it's PARTY TIME! Go to Karl & Ruis's for the latest photos.
Photo by Ruis
The String Quartet entertain the party guests.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Party
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:53 AM
paw back
Friday, May 30, 2008
Congratulations Karl & Ruis
The big day is here! A lot of last minute things to do before Karl and Ruis exchanged their wedding vows.
Fashion by Ruis
. . . final fitting for wedding outfit . . .
. . . making sure the formal dress wear for the night's reception is perfect . . .
Photo by Ruis
. . . keeping the groomsmen relaxed and last minute adjustments to their attire . . .
For all of the details and latest photos about the ceremony visit Karl and Ruis. Join in on the celebration!
Photo by Ruis
Guess who caught the bouquet?
Photo by Zoolatry
CONGRATULATIONS to my dear friends Karl and Ruis! May each day your love grow stronger.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:06 AM
paw back
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wedding Eve

Photo by Karl
On May 30 two of my best friends, Karl and Ruis will marry and become one when they exchange their vows before family and friends.

Photo by Ruis
Momo, the flower girl, and I, the wedding planner, traveled together to get to the wedding destination.

Photo by Ruis
The guests of honor and the best(man)cats arrive at the same time as we do. We await our instructions for entering the bay of The Voyager.
It has been a pleasure being the wedding planner for this happy event and I am still putting last minute touches on things. Such as . . .

l-r: Roscoe, Buzzer, Emily, Bubbles, Opus, Mrs. Oz, Gucci & Momo
. . . photo opportunities for family and friends . . .

l-r: Opus, Momo, Roscoe and Sassy
. . . rehearsals for the string quartet that is scheduled to play before the wedding . . .
l-r: Opus, Sassy, Momo & Roscoe
Photo by Momo
. . . entertainment for the guests the evening before the wedding . . .
What an exciting day ahead for us on May 30! I am going to check on the table decorations and then try and get a little sleep before the big day. Since I am the wedding planner be sure to let me know if there is anything you might need.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:54 AM
paw back
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Rememberance
Glitter Graphics
Remember with respect and honor those that gave their lives for our country's freedom.
Honor our fallen soldiers.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
10:04 PM
paw back
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hawaiian Bachelor Party Today
Photo by Opus & Roscoe
Hurry don't be late!!!!! Today is the day of the big Hawaiian Bachelor Party for Ruis and Karl at Opus and Roscoe's place. Everyone is invited so stop on over and join in on all of the fun. Things are just getting started. You won't want to miss it.
Photo by Zoolatry
On the sadder side of things I don't know if all of you know that the other day Bonnie Underfoot went to the Rainbow Bridge. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers as they are going through this hard time. Opus and Roscoe have a wonderful video at the party today so we can remember all of our friends that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Bonnie and all of those no longer with us are certainly missed and our hearts are heavy when we think of them.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:10 AM
paw back
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Party On Friday!
Invitations by Opus & Roscoe
Opus and Roscoe are hosting a Hawaiian Bachelor Party for Karl and Ruis on Friday. Everyone is invited to please stop on over to their place and join in on the fun!! See you there.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
6:32 PM
paw back
Sunday, May 18, 2008
And Take That!
Posted by
Sassy Kat
10:59 PM
paw back
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My Three Names
Mr. Hendrix tagged me for the three name meme!
In case you aren’t familiar with The Naming of Cats, in the Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot, we all have three names! In this meme, you must link to the originator of the meme, Tara, list the following rules, and then tell us:
1. The name that the family uses daily (such as Peter, Agustus, Alonzo, or James)
2. The name that is particular and more dignified (such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat)
3. What you are doing when you are thinking of the name that only you know, and will never confess (when engaged in rapt contemplation), that deep and inscrutable singular name
4. Then tag three cats to give their three names.
Here are my three names:
1. Sassy Kat Little
2. L. Sassilina Chatnoir (L - little, Sassi - Sassy, -lina - angeline, Chatnoir - black cat)
3. Quitely observing, watching, and checking out what is going on around me.
I would like to tag:
Momo kitty, Opus, and Roscoe.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:41 PM
paw back
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Keeping Things Simple
I was recently tagged by Momo kitty for the memoir meme.
The rules are:
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4.Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5.Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6. Have fun!!
Photo by Maggy, Zoey & Ann at Zoolatry
Always trying to keep things simple.
I now tag Marilyn Monreow, Jessica, Orlando Bun, Maya, and Sukie.
I want thank Karl and Maggy, Zoey, and Ann at Zoolatry for the photo I am using in my post today. This photo, along with another one that I will post at another time, was a gift to me from my good friend Karl. Here is part of the email message I received from him " . . .I had asked Ann (Zoolatry) to make these graphics for you . . . kind of like an opening night present for you . . . who is so well described by the words 'keeping it simple' . . . " This was a wonderful gift and I appreciate the work that Ann does at Zoolatry making the photos the best! Thanks again you two.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
10:59 PM
paw back
Monday, May 12, 2008
The premier showing of CCSI III:Missing Mummy Caper was this past weekend and a great success. The Executives of Little Productions toasted all of the actors and the crew for making this Mother's Day mystery a success. This past weekend marked the show with record viewers, magazine articles, magazine covers, a review, and an award.
The number of viewers tuned in to CCSI III for both days was 272 with the following twenty-five states represented: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Main, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
Not only did many in the United States take notice of the Missing Mummy Caper but thirteen countries also had front row seats: Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, India, Italy, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Flying high from the success of CCSI III as I started my work week I immediately saw that the show and my right pawed kitty sissy, Momo, was featured on the cover of Catosphere. We are now in the big leagues. Thanks for these wonderful articles!!!! Head on over and check it out.
Just when you think your day cannot get any better you quickly find out that you were wrong. As I checked my email I found a note from Criz the writer of the Missing Mummy Caper. It read "Here is a small token in appreciation to how well you all have helped in the production of CCSI III . . . Do display it freely and proudly . . . well done team.. you all deserved it! Congrats!! Regards, Criz." Thank you so much Criz for this wonderful award! It was such a pleasure working with you and being presented with the magnificent Mother's Day mystery that you submitted. We all enjoyed this production so much and look forward to working with you again.
Don't forget that Little Productions accepts scripts at all times. The guidelines for writers is posted on the CCSI Blog. As you are reading this I know of two other scripts that are in the works. You too can become part of the CCSI team so put on your thinking caps and start the writing process.
Another great newsworthy information is the fantastic review Tybalt has given CCSI. Stop over there and read first paw what he had to say about it.
Again thanks to the all of the cast and crew for making this production a success and such a fun project to be working on. Also a big thank you to all of our viewers because without you watching there would be no CCSI.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
9:58 AM
paw back
Sunday, May 11, 2008
CCSI III:Missing Mummy Caper-Part II
Part II
“I see lots of peas here,” said Detective Bucky Bun. “It looked as if the attacker had left a trail here and it is moving towards that direction.” He pointed to the peas laying all over the road, trailing towards the other end of the west side area.
The detective and the boys followed the trail and it led to someplace very familiar.
Tonto, Mika, and Rudy looked at each other and exclaimed, “What? Uncle Bill’s house?”
They could even smell the cooking of buttered Mackerel from outside the house. Both detectives pulled out their guns not knowing how Uncle Bill was involved with this crime.

“Boys! How did you manage to find me over here? I was making you a surprise brunch for our family,” said a shocked Mama Patti. The boys immediately ran over to hug their Mama as they were so relieved that she was safe.

It was from the hospital. Cleocatra excitedly told Tonto, “Papa woke up and told us everything! He is off the danger zone now!”
Detective Bucky Bun immediately brought them to the hospital. When they reached the hospital, they rushed to the reception counter and asked for the ward number.
“Room 108,” replied the nurse behind the counter.

As they arrived outside of the room Papa was staying in they saw Doctor Kieran and asked him to find out how Papa was doing.
“Don’t worry, your Papa is fine now. He can check out anytime he wants,” said the doctor.
The doctor also went on to explain that Papa Adam had been in a slight shock when he arrived at the hospital but that he was OK now.

“Oh my God, I’m to be blamed for that," explained a shock Uncle Bill. " I hastily hunted for some herbs and cream cheese and accidentally knocked down some ice cubes. I thought I had picked them all up and I guess one must have slipped away. It’s my fault that you have landed in the hospital with a cut on your head, Adam!”

“Hey, I’m fine now. Accidents do happen. This is not something that anyone would want to have happened. You are forgiven Bill. Can I go home now? I’m hungry and I don’t want to spend Mothers’ Day in a hospital,” said Papa Adam laughingly.

“Ok guys! Let’s head home. I will still need to finish cooking the Seafood Fettuccini I meant to surprise you guys with,” said Mama Patti, and invited all who were in the hospital room to join in the meal with the family.
The case of the missing mummy has been declared closed. No one was murdered. Everything that had happened was just Uncle Bill trying to help Mama out and the good intention of Mama Patti to surprise everyone on Mothers’ Day.

*Story and characters are entirely fictional and any similarity with existing imaginary figures are absolutely intended.
Detective Harry Moe - Mickey
Policeman #1 - Rocky
Policeman #2 - Maya
Papa Adam Ball - Mr. Hendrix
Mama Patti Ball - Marilyn Monroew
Cleoctra Ball - Charlotte
Tonto Ball - Pablo
Mika Ball - Eric
Rudy Ball - Merlin
Ling Ling - Jessica
Mr. Doog - Roxy The Devil Dog
Peachy Pitt - Miss Peach
Catherine Pitt - Ariel
Paramedic #1 - Tyler
Nurse #1 - Tamra Maew
Dr. Kieran - Dr. Tweety
Townsfolk - Beau
Townsfolk - Brainball
Executive Board - Sassy Kat, Momo Kitty, Karl & Ruis
Casting - Sassy KatHead
Graphic Team - Karl, Ruis, Opus & Roscoe
Graphics For CCSI III - Opus & Roscoe
Graphics For CCSI III Promotions - Karl & Sassy
Set Designer - Karl
Posted by
Sassy Kat
11:55 AM
paw back
Saturday, May 10, 2008
CCSI III: Missing Mummy Caper-Part I
It was Mothers’ Day on Sunday morning and the Catroville Mansion was extremely quiet without the routine noise of Mama Patti Ball making breakfast for her kids. Suddenly, at about 8:30 pm, a shrill scream came from the kitchen.
“Argggghhhhhhhhhh!” shouted Cleocatra as she saw Papa Adam Ball sprawled on the floor with a small pool of blood around his head.
Upon hearing the scream, the three brothers, Mika, Tonto and Ruddy rushed to the scene to see what had made their sister so terrified. Tonto immediately took out his cell phone and called for an ambulance. He also called Detective Bucky Bun from CCSI headquarters to come over immediately. While Tonto was on the phone, Mika and Ruddy quickly rushed to their Papa and found that he was knocked unconscious.
The boys looked around but found no trace of any weapons. There was only a pool of water with some big paw prints leading to the backdoor. The whole kitchen was in a mess with all the cabinet doors open. Some cans of tuna, a frozen mackerel, a packet of peas and some cream cheese were found missing from the house.
“Wait!” shouted Ruddy. “Where’s Mama?”
Mama Patti Ball was also missing. They searched the house but she was nowhere in sight.
“Someone might have catnapped her!” cried a panicked Ruddy.
The ambulance arrived shortly. Two paramedics came in and inspected Papa Adam.
“Can we have some breathing space please,” said Paramedic #1.
“His pulse is fine. We’ll take him back to the hospital for further tests,” said Paramedic #2.
They then carried Papa Adam carefully into the ambulance and drove off accompanied by Cleocatra and Ruddy.
Detective Bucky Bun, together with his assistant Detective Harry Moe arrived a few minutes before the ambulance was about to leave. There were already some neighbors curiously gathering around the mansion to see what had happened.
Two policemen were seen putting up the CCSI tapes around the mansion.
“Miss, can you move away from the barrier?” asked Policeman #1.
“Mister! Would you stand further a bit? We are doing some serious investigations here!” said Policeman #2.
Inside the mansion, Detective Bucky Bun was finding proof on the attempted murder and catnap motives. He checked on the back door and found that there were not any break-in traces while Detective Harry Moe was seen dusting for more paw prints.
“I think the suspect knew Mama Patti,” Detective Bucky Bun said while inspecting Papa Adam’s blood. “Hmm… This is still fresh. The incident must have happened barely two hours ago. What is this pool of water doing here?,” wondered the detective, "It's cold."
He then checked the freezer and found that there was a full bucket of ice cubes.

“Did your Mama always prepare so much of ice?” he asked Mika.
“Well, unless she is planning for a gathering, which is not possible as none of us were informed at all,” Mika replied.
“I see. Let me check with the neighbors if they had seen anything,” replied Detective Bucky Bun.
There were so many onlookers outside waiting to give their statements.

“When I opened up my windows this morning at 5 am, I saw Mama Patti running towards the west side area. I saw a big hairy cat chasing after her with a big bag in his paws. He behaved very mysteriously,” said neighbor Ling Ling.
“I got up at 6:30 am for my usual morning walk and saw a dark figure running out from the backdoor. He was really huge. I thought I saw something glittering in his paws. It looked like something square,” said Mr. Doogle.
During the interview, little Catherine was seen running towards her mother in tears. She cried, “Mummy! I skidded and fell!”
“What happened dear?” asked Mrs. Peachy Pitt.
“Someone left some peas on the road!” answered the crying girl.
Detective Bucky Bun’s eyes were suddenly wide open. “Where did this happen?” he asked.
The girl pointed at the west side of the road and told the detective that there were peas all over the pavement. The guys immediately rushed to the scene.

Policeman #1 - Rocky
Policeman #2 - Maya
Papa Adam Ball - Mr. Hendrix
Mama Patti Ball - Marilyn Monroew
Cleoctra Ball - Charlotte
Tonto Ball - Pablo
Mika Ball - Eric
Rudy Ball - Merlin
Ling Ling - Jessica
Mr. Doogle - Roxy The Devil Dog
Peachy Pitt - Miss Peach
Catherine Pitt - Ariel
Uncle Bill - Cameron
Paramedic #1 - Tyler
Paramedic #2 - Derby
Nurse #1 - Tamra Maew
Nurse #2 - Zippy
Dr. Kieran - Dr. Tweety
Townsfolk - Scylla
Townsfolk - Beau
Townsfolk - Sassy (From Taylor Catsssss)
Townsfolk - Brainball
Cameo Appearance - Sassy Kat
Executive Producer - Sassy Kat
Producers & Directors - Opus & Roscoe
Writer - Criz Lai
Executive Board - Sassy Kat, Momo Kitty, Karl, Ruis,
Advertising & Marketing Director - Momo Kitty
Assistant To Executive Producer - Momo Kitty
Casting - Sassy Kat
Graphics For CCSI III - Opus & Roscoe
Graphics For CCSI III Promotions - Karl & Sassy
Set Designer - Karl
Costume Designer - Sassy Kat
Chief Repurrrorter - Samatha
Reviewer - Tybalt
Posted by
Sassy Kat
11:55 AM
paw back
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The excitement is on the set of CCSI III:Missing Mummy Caper as we rapidly approach show time.
Mark your calendar and tell all of your friends that the newest CCSI mystery will be airing May 10 and 11 here at my place.
And don't miss your opportunity to get a glimpse behind the scenes of CCSI III, details at The Kat Relm.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:47 AM
paw back
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Behind The Scenes At CCSI III
Photo by Karl
OH NO, secret exciting footage of behind the scenes of CCSI III have now reached the Internet.
It is rumored that things were done that shouldn't have happened on the set and all was caught on camera.
Who were the unlucky ones that got caught?
What were they doing?
Who was the photographer?
If you would like to know for a small donation Little Productions will email you the compromising and revealing pictures. These pictures will never be published! This is your ONLY chance to satisfy your curiosity!
All money (minus Paypal fees) will be donated to Cat Friends Helping Friends which benefits many furies in need.
*NOTE: I cannot get my pay pal thingie to work but to to Karl's if you would like copies of the photos.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
11:17 AM
paw back
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Day to Remember
Momo Kitty, Momo Doggie, Pinot, and Asta, my siblings, reflect about our wonderful cruise and the adventures that we were on yesterday; see previous post. It was such a fun filled fantastic day spent visiting with many of our friends. We have all agreed that we should do this again.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
7:22 AM
paw back
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hijinx Cruise
Photo by Sassy
In pilot house l-r, Asta & Roscoe
On front deck l-r: Socks, Momo, Sassy, Rusty & Opus
On back of boat front l-r: Karl & Ruis
On back of boat back l-r: Emil & Mrs Oz
Top of the boat with net: Scylla
The day we planned for is finally here! Deciding to have a leisurely getaway ,Momo, Asta, Karl, Mrs. Oz, Emil, Ruis, Opus, Roscoe, Rusty, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, Charlotte, Momo & Pinot, Charlie and myself hopped aboard the Hijinx and headed out to sea.
Photo by Sassy
l-r: Charlie, Socks, Charybdis, Pinot & Momo
Our destinations for the day included a visit with Maggy and Zoey at The Zoolatry, Samantha and Tigger, Daisy and Debra's kitties (Abby, Boo, Jinx, Ping and Gracie).
Photo by Momo & Sassy
A morning garden picnic at Sock'sPhoto by Maggy & Zoey at Zoolatry
Maggy & Zoey waiting for us to arrive
Our day, filled with such fun events, included: cruising around on the Hijinx around the Bay of Mexico, a garden party at Sock's, lunch at Mary Mahoney, visiting with Maggy and Zoey, Daisy,Samatha and Tigger in the Sunshine State. Be sure to stop over to their place and check things out.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
2:00 PM
paw back