Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Times Remembered

Since moth has been busy the last five weeks visiting with her daughter I pretty much have been left to myself. I have enjoyed my time to myself and have kept a low profile. Well the last several days have been spent looking at old films of the many adventures that I have taken with my dear friends.

I have missed all of you and seeing these old movies have made me feel not so lonely. I look forward to being able to visit with my friends soon.

. . . Great news!!!!!! I got a message from Karl. He has been lonely too and isn't getting any blogging time. Anyway he asked if he could come over to my place and we could hang out together!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

We look forward to your return but our Jan is feeling sad and not too sociable this past week. Maybe we should have showed her old movies.

Asta said...

Sassy Sissie
I've missed you seems like fowevew..I got all teawy on St Patwicks day thinking of the yeaw befowe..I am vewy Happy Moth had a gweat visit, but I wish sometimes time would stand still.
I hope to see you vewy soon
smoochie kisses

The Cat Realm said...

Can I come over? I miss the gang, I need another adventure - I want to see the old movies too......
And Notty is trying to take the blog over, I'm not sure if I am relieved or stressed about it...

Sassy Kat said...

Of course you can come on over KARL!Great to have the company!!!!!

Daisy said...

Oh Sassy, I been missing you, too.


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