Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Dear Friends
Post card designed by Opus & Roscoe
Dear Pawfriends,
I have been thinking of you all as I have been enjoying some quiet, and not so quiet moments, while I snuck down to the sunshine state called Florida. This has been quite fun and I am so glad I broke out of the cold weather at home and came down here unbeknown to the mom and dad of the house. What happens in Florida stays in Florida.
Today I am planning on just crashing at the pool for a long, long time and I want to extend an invitation to all of you who want to join me to come on over. Don't feel like you need to bring anything as the pool rules won't allow it. They have showers there, towels, chairs, tables, and lounge chairs. You will find the pool water to be at 80 degrees, outside temperatures almost 80, and a beautiful sunny sky with no clouds in it. Inside you will find a hot tub at a boiling 104 degrees; though that sounds too hot it really feels good on those tired old muscles. For those of you that want to have a little more excitement, the pool is next to a golf course so you could play a round of gold or chase some of those feathered friends who like to hang out there.
I hope to see you all soon for a relaxing quiet day filled with visiting with each of you.
Love to all,
ps I have some secret information that I found out while staying in Florida. I cannot tell you at this time but Momo cat and I will fill you in later about it.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:53 AM
paw back
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Boys Are Here!
What another fun day on the beach Momo and I had!
Momo was using the birdie book to identify the many different kinds of birdies and was to watch out for and let me know when any showed up that would make for good food; I mean good friends. I think, as you can see by the photo, Momo got too relaxed waiting in the sun and took a little time out.
Around noon time Momo and I got a big surprise when we were walking on the beach we realized that the Italians were arriving to visit us by raft. It was so good to see Opus and Roscoe and enjoyed spending the day with them. We had a lot of fun on the beach, sunning ourselves, chasing birdies, riding in the raft, and getting nice pets from the humans on the beach. The weather was perfect, almost eighty degrees, no clouds in the sky, and the water temperature not too cold.
What a fun day we all had; it is always a wonderful time when you can spend time with your good friends.
ps I think our birdies got into the nip too!
Posted by
Sassy Kat
5:33 PM
paw back
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Life Is A Beach

You can see that I have been sunning myself and notice how the bright sunlight has changed the color of my fur to look a little on the reddish side. I sure hope that doesn't mean that I am getting sunburned.

Momo isn't here yet so I have been spending time with my sand sculptures and think I have perfected this. I might have found a new career and could stay down south and earn a decent living. What do you think?

Still no Momo and no birdies; I will wait until they all get here. I know that the birdies have been here because of the evidence they left behind.

Aha life is a beach.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
10:34 AM
paw back
Monday, December 24, 2007
Holiday Greetings
Photo by Opus & Roscoe
Welcome to all as I celebrate this most festive time of year.
I am so happy that you have stopped by during this busy time of the year. I have meet so many nice new friends since I started blogging back in October that I wanted to do a little something for all of my new furry pals. I have three gifts for each of you. Please take these as my way of saying thank you for all of the fun, stories, and caring that we have shared. I enjoy all of you so much, happy that I got to meet you, and now have many wonderful new friends in my life. To you all I say thank you.
For my feline friends you will find . . .
. . . a book of cat tales . . .
. . . a cat gift box set . . .
. . . a three piece holiday bowl set.
For my doggie friends I have for you . . .
. . . a fire hydrant . . .
. . . a dog gift box set . . .
. . . and doggie bisquets.
I wish you and your family many blessings now and through out the new year.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
9:04 AM
paw back
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Pass It On
What a nice surprise I had after my visit to Disneyland in Orlando with Percy. When I arrived back home I received a message to go back to Percy's place. Upon arriving there I found that Percy's mom had filled a basket with special dog and cat treats for his friends.
I was invited to help myself and also bring back some gifts to share with my friends. Everycat/dog who visits today, please help yourself to any of the gifts you find in the basket. You will see that there are so many inviting items, including catnip mice, three kinds of treats, and a fresh box of catnip. For the doggie friends you will find some some chewie bones, balls, and toys. Feel free to take a whole basket back to your place and share with all of your friends, too. Thanks to Jan's Funny Farm; that sure was a sweet thing to do.
Percy's mom also wanted us to remember the humans and had bouquets of flowers to pass out.
Oh, if anycat/dog finds two Mickey Mouse hats they belong to Percy and me.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:33 AM
paw back
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Magic Kingdom
. . . the more I looked at the photos from yesterday's post with all of those birdies that live in Florida I decided that I needed to check this out for myself. That meant taking a trip down south and I didn't want to go alone. This is where my good friend Percy comes into the picture. I gave his mom a call and asked if I could borrow Percy for the day and promised her that I would take good care of him. That way I would have company for this long trip.
At first we were going right to the beach but we made the mistake of doing one of those google searches and found this place called Disney with a lot of fun things to do. We both looked at each other and after thinking things over for about one minute we decided to go with plan B and head for the Disney stuff.
At the Disney Park we tried hard to blend in so we wouldn't get caught; you see there is a strict rule about no pets, etc. We purchased mouse ear hats when we were at the souvenir stand outside of Cinderella's Castle and it helped make us look like everyone else that was at the park today.
There are so many things at the park to see and we are having a lot of fun on the many rides at the park. Some of those we went on already include Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mad Tea Party, and the Corkscrew.
This is where we lost our neat Mickey Mouse ears.
Photo taken by Opus & Roscoe
There are still some things that we want to do today such as go to Splash Mountain and from there we want to take in Epcot. I hear in Epcot there are exhibits where you can learn about the different countries. I want to check out Italy so I can learn more about where Opus and Roscoe live and what kind of food they eat.
Percy and I have got to go now as we haven't got a lot of time. I promised his mom that I would have him home before the street lights come on tonight.
Tomorrow I do plan on coming back to Florida to see if I can find our hats that we lost on the stupid corkscrew ride. After that then I need to head to the beach and see if I can find those birdies.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
1:50 AM
paw back
Friday, December 21, 2007
The mom and dad of the house are vacationing in the great sunshine state of Florida. They are away from the cold, ice, wind, snow, and grey-sky days. A lot of picture taking has been done because of the different things they are doing each day. They sent some photos so I could see what they are up to; I would like to share some of those with you.
Before you read any further or look at the photos, I must warn you now, that you might want to have a little snack, because for some strange reason you might start feeling a little hungry. My doggie friends might get the urge to start running and chasing things. I thought I should let you that there is a risk if you continue with this post.
I have heard folks refer to this place called Florida as being paradise! I have to say that the proof is in the photos and I will leave that up to you to decide but it has my vote for paradise. I still couldn't believe what my eyes were looking at!! There are feathery birdies everywhere!!!
. . . standing by the waters edge . . .
. . . floating in the water and sitting on buoys . . .
. . . walking on the sandy beaches . . .
. . . taking naps on the beach . . .
. . . flocks of them all over the neighbor's yard . . .
. . . filling up the sky . . .
Has anyone seen so many birdies before? I am thinking that I need to somehow get down to Florida and check things out for myself. Boy, my friends who live in Florida sure are lucky!
Posted by
Sassy Kat
9:38 AM
paw back
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Life Is Heck
Photographed in a field of 600 dozen roses: good friends
front: Pinot
back: Momo, Sassy, & Momo
Graphic by Opus & Roscoe
With everything going on I must apologize for being so late in making this post. I want to thank Momo cat, Momo doggie, and Pinot for giving me the "Life Is Like Hell Without Friends Award." I received the two awards days apart during "World Best Friend Week."
Please when you visit me, take this award and place it on your blog if you wish. Send this to your best friends to let them know that you appreciate them.
I would like to pass this award along to my magnificent design crew/friends who worked on CCSI II: Ruis, Karl, Asta, Daisy, Maggy and Zoey, Opus and Roscoe. When you look at this award I hope you will think of me; please feel free to share this with some of your friends, too.
Thank you, Momo, Momo and Pinot for this nice award. It is so nice to have friends like you.
Oh, I just found out that Samatha has posted her review for CCSI II: The Santa Caper. Be sure to head on over to visit Samatha and Tigger and check it out.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:01 AM
paw back
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
CCSI Is Moving
Certificate of Excellence - Best Producer Of A Blog Show
Christmas came early for me this year as my crew and cast presented me with the most marvelous gifts.
From my crew I received as a token of their appreciation and friendship the beautiful certificate displayed above. I will proudly always have this displayed on my blog. If that wasn't enough Karl, Ruis, Opus, and Roscoe sent along another terrific surprise!! As I have mentioned many times before that my crew always go the extra mile, well I think this time they went way beyond that! Listen to this, they have been working on a CCSI blog! The work is still going on at the site but you all are welcome to check it out and watch things unfold. The new home for CCSI is: As an added bonus, there is a merchandise shoppe where members of the cast, crew, and our viewers can shop for their favorite CCSI products. CCSI is not only solving new strange crimes, we are also helping animals in need with the proceeds of the CCSI shop!
This is almost too big for this little ole cat to handle. Be sure after you visit the new CCSI Headquarters to stop by Karl, Ruis, Opus, and Roscoe's place and let them know what you think about all of this. They have been working so hard on this project and your words of support will help them keep on working.
Along with this exciting information about the new CCSI Headquarters I also received from my crew and cast six hundred dozen red roses!!!! Do the math! That is a lot of roses. They smell so beautiful and are so gorgeous to look at.
This is all so overwhelming. I have said it before and I will say it again, I owe all of you many thanks for all of the hard work you put in to make CCSI the best it can be.
Thank you all so much for everything! You all are the best!!
If any cat or dog sees Santa, tell him that he doesn't need to stop at my house, I'm all set for this year.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:39 AM
paw back
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
CCSI II Hits The Heights!
I will again use the words from the play "Gypsy," music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. I am changing some of the words as needed:
"You were swell! You were great! Cleared the decks. . . Cleared the tracks. . . Curtains went up. . . Lights were lit . . . You all hit the heights . . . Everything came up roses and daffodils . . . Everything came up sunshine and Santa Claus . . . Everything was bright lights and lollipops . . . Everything came up roses for me and for all of you."
There are not enough words to say thanks to all of those involved in making this show such a smashing success!
After you all visit Samatha Staff Repurrter for The Cat Blogosphere/Reviewer on Tuesday to read the review she is going to post on the CCSI II show I have one last request for my cast and crew, please take a long deserved break.
Posted by
Sassy Kat
8:02 AM
paw back
Monday, December 17, 2007
CCSI II The Santa Caper IV
Luckily CCSI headquarters had an address on file for the Christkind and when they arrive at his house Detective Schlau takes the lead and breaks the door with his shoulder while Dr. Hinweis screams "Police. Lay down on the gwound!"
“Please don’t kill me” cries the Christkind “I didn’t mean any harm! Except for a really bad headache Santa Claus is fine, he’s sitting right there! I only kidnapped him because I wanted Christmas to be what it used to be – about family, love, and peace not about presents, greed, and shopping! I thought if Santa Claus was gone and couldn't bring the presents people will remember, sing, talk, and relate with each other.”
And after Detective Schlau released Santa Claus from his chain and Dr. Hinweis gave him some eggnog-hangover-rescue-pills, he forgave the Christkind, and didn’t press charges. From now on the Christkind will ride with Santa in his sleigh and hand out love, peace, joy, and Christmas Spirit (40 proof, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho) because these are the most precious presents of all.
Story and characters are entirely fictional and any similarity with existing imaginary figures are absolutely intended.
* * * * * * * LITTLE PRODUCTIONS * * * * * * *
Detective Schlau - Roscoe
Dr. Hinweis - Asta
Christkind - Victor Tabbycat
Santa - Tigger
Rudolph - Zoey
Dasher - Willow
Dancer - Adan
Prancer - Sammy
Vixen - Pyewacket
Comet - Tigger The FBI Cat
Cupid - Trixie
Donner - Daisy
Blitzen - Pepi
Cameo Appearance - Sassy
Producer & Casting - Sassy Cat
Producers - Opus & Roscoe
Director - Ruis
Writer - Karl From The Cat Realm
Graphic Design/Photography - Asta, Daisy, & Karl From The Cat Realm
Staff Repurrter for The Cat Blogosphere/Reviewer - Samatha
Reviewer - Tybalt
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:02 AM
paw back
Sunday, December 16, 2007
CCSI II The Santa Caper Part-III
“Well, Dr. Hinweis, let’s pay the tooth fairy a visit” says Detective Schlau and off they go.

“Come on in” chirps the Tooth Fairy once they arrive at her home. “So you want to know where Santa is? We left together last night; he could hardly walk – too much eggnog as usual – so I gave him a hand. But then we met a friend of his who supposedly lives closer and he took over. I don’t know who it was, it was dark and I couldn’t really see anything. I can show you were we parted ways.”
Off they go to a place where the road bisects, one way leading to the Tooth Fairy’s place, the other to Santa Claus’ home.
"Look" exclaims Dr. Hinweis "signs of a stwuggle! I have some wipped fabwic, and some haiw on it. I will send it to DNA analysis immediately, maybe we'll get a match! And it seems as if someone left a twail of colowed eggshells fow us to follow. There must have been some eggs in the Easter Bunny's outfit that Santa wowe and he used them to his advantage!"
So they follow the trail of colored eggshells deep into the woods. Minutes turn into an hour, feet become tired, and Detective Schlau and Dr. Hinweis feel as if someone were watching them…But no one there except the trees.
"Look Detective” Dr. Hinweis all of a sudden shouts “the trees are alive!” They both look up and sure enough – there is a head on every tree! And they wear jewelry too!
“Hello”, chirps the closest one “who are you?”
Before they can answer another tree whispers “I know! They are CCSI!”
“Hellooo”, murmurs a third, “we can all see that; it is written on their uniforms!”

Before the trees can get into a serious argument, Dr. Hinweis’ cell phone rings. She listens and shouts "We have a match! The DNA belongs to the Chwistkind!”
* * * * * * *LITTLE PRODUCTIONS * * * * * * *
Detective Schlau - Roscoe
Dr. Hinweis - Asta
Tooth Fairy - Momo Cat
Jeweled Christmas Tree #1 - Charlie
Jeweled Christmas Tree #2 - Momo Dog
Jeweled Christmas Tree #3 - Yao-Lin
Executive Producer & Casting - Sassy Cat
Producers - Opus & Roscoe
Director/Casting - Ruis
Writer - Karl From The Cat Realm
Graphic Design/Photography Part III - Ruis, Karl at The Cat Realm, Opus & Roscoe
Reviewer - Tybalt
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:01 AM
paw back
Saturday, December 15, 2007
CCSI The Santa Caper-Part II
“Oh my” Sugarplum Mary screams, “they kidnapped Santa! What are we going to do?”
“We have to call in the police and let them help us find Santa Claus!” Wunorse Openslae says.
“But you read what they say: Do not involve the police!” whines Bushy Evergreen.
“They always say that” replies Shinny Upatree, “it doesn’t mean anything. We need the police to figure this out! I will call NPPDCCSI (North Pole Police Department Cat/Canine Crime Scene Unit), they will find clues that will help us to get Santa back!”
Half an hour later Detective Schlau and Dr. Hinweis arrive. They put yellow ribbon around the room so no one can go in there anymore and they start looking for clues.
“Dr. Hinweis, look at this, I found some colored eggshells. Let’s get them to the laboratory and see if we can match them to something.”
"Yes, Detective Schlau. And look ovew hewe – I found a paw pwint. And it looks exactly like a wabbit footie…. I will telepowt to the laboratory immediately and check these things out myself."
“Hmmm, colored eggshells and a rabbit footprint. I think we should pay the Easter Bunny a visit!”
Off Detective Schlau goes, knocking on Easter Bunnies door. No answer. He knocks again. Nothing. Just when the detective is ready to knock down the door, it opens and a very tired and hung-over looking Easter Bunny dressed in a Santa Claus outfit appears.
“Are you the Easter Bunny and are those Santa Claus’ clothes?” Detective Schlau asks.
“Yes. And yes. But they are mine now” and the Easter Bunny yawns, “I won them in our poker game last night!”
“What do you mean ‘poker game’? Where is Santa Claus? What happened here last night?”
“Please don’t tell Mrs. Claus. She would not approve, that’s why Santa hasn’t told her. We meet once a month to play a little game of poker,” the Easter Bunny confesses, “and last night was our game night. Santa lost everything but would not stop so he bet his clothes. That’s why I have them, because he lost again!” “And then,” Detective Schlau inquires “what happened then? Where did he go? Where is he now?”
“How would I know” the Easter Bunny exclaims, “we all had way too much eggnog, Santa borrowed one of my outfits to wear on the way home, and he left. What’s going on? Why are you asking about Santa?”
“Santa Claus was kidnapped” Detective Schlau explains. “We are looking for clues to what exactly happened.”
At that moment Dr. Hinweis teleports back and looks at the Easter Bunny. "I just matched the eggshells we found at the scene of the cwime to samples of youw eggs that we have on file." “We also had found a paw print, Size 17” adds Detective Schlau. “May I ask: what size paw do you wear?”
“This is ridiculous” screams the Easter Bunny, “I was here all night, alone! Look around, there is no Santa here.”
They all start looking around when all of a sudden the Easter Bunny cries “My left hiking paw is missing! And some of my eggs are broken and most of the shells are gone! Someone is trying to implicate me in this crime! Whoever kidnapped Santa stole my hiking paw and my eggshells and left them at the scene of the crime!”
“O.K.”, Detective Schlau sighs. “Let’s start over. Who was at the game last night and could have stolen these things and taken Santa?”
“It was just the three of us, as usual” the Easter Bunny explains. “Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and me.”
* * * * * * * Little Productions * * * * * * *
Detective Schlau - Roscoe
Dr. Hinweis - Asta
Easter Bunny - Dragonheart
Bushy Evergreen - Miles
Shinny Upatree - Sanjee
Sugarplum Mary - Bonnie
Wunrose Openslae - China Cat
Cameo Apperance - Sassy
Executive Producer & Casting - Sassy Cat
Producers - Opus & Roscoe
Director/Casting - Ruis
Writer - Karl The Cat Realm
Graphic Design/Photography Part II - Asta, Karl From The Cat Realm, Opus & Roscoe & Ruis
Staff Repurrter for The Cat Blogosphere/Reviewer - Samatha
Reviewer - Tybalt
Posted by
Sassy Kat
7:26 AM
paw back
Friday, December 14, 2007
CCSI The Santa Caper-Part I
On a beautiful day in December, at the crack of dawn, one after another of the little elves wakes up, yawns, stretches, and rises.

Each puts on his or her little pointy shoes and off they run into the kitchen to greet Santa who should be sitting there, reading the paper, waiting for the hot coffee Mrs. Claus is preparing.
But what is that! No

“Mrs. Claus, where is Santa?”
“I don’t know” answers Mrs. Claus, “I thought he was with you guys, I haven’t seen him all morning. Maybe he is in the barn with the reindeer.”
Off they go, into the barn.
“Good morning Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. Have you seen Santa?

“No, we haven’t” says Rudolph. Donner explains “Last time we’ve seen him was yesterday evening” and Blitzen continues “When he came in to say good night.”
“Why are you asking” inquires Dasher, and Comet cuts in screaming “Where is our Santa?”

“He usually comes in before breakfast to greet us all” says Vixen. “Yes, and he brings us a treat!” cries Cupid. “That’s true” adds Prancer “and he pets us all too!” “And it is late – and he hasn’t been here today” Dancer sums up the situation. “What a mystery” Pepper Minstix mumbles. “Let’s go and check his room.” And off they race into Santa Claus’ room.
But there is a note, on the nightstand, leaning against his alarm clock.
Alabaster Snowball picks it up and reads:

* * * * * * * LITTLE PRODUCTIONS * * * * * * *
Mrs. Santa Claus - Gemini
Bushy Evergreen - Miles
Shinny Upatree - Sanjee
Wunorse Openslae - China Cat
Pepper Minstix - Percy
Sugarplum Mary - Bonnie
Alabaster Snowball - Opus
Rudolph - Zoey
Dasher - Willow
Dancer - Adan
Prancer - Sammy
Vixen - Pyewacket
Comet - Tigger The FBI Cat
Cupid - Trixie
Donner - Daisy
Blitzen - Pepi
Photo In Frame - Pinot
Executive Producer & Casting - Sassy Cat
Producers - Opus & Roscoe
Director - Ruis
Writer - Karl The Cat Realm
Graphic Design/Photography Part 1-Asta, Daisy, Ruis, Opus & Roscoe, & Karl
Reviewer - Tybalt
Posted by
Sassy Kat
6:54 AM
paw back
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Red Carpet
Graphic design by Opus & Roscoe
As we all gather here tonight for the premiere showing of CCSI II: The Santa Caper there are so many thoughts whirling around in my head. It is so hard to put into words the thanks I have for all who has worked so hard in front of and behind the scenes to make this evening possible. A special thanks for all of the countless hours spent working overtime in the Graphic Design Studio by Ruis, Karl, Opus and Roscoe. Without their devotion to the show and the viewers none of us would be standing here tonight. A million thanks to all.
All today I have been having a song from the musical "Gypsy" going through my head. Perhaps you are familiar with this wonderful song whose music was written by Jule Styne and the lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. This song pretty much says how I feel about what tonight is about and I want to share these words with my cast, crew, and the viewers:
"You'll be swell! You'll be great! Gonna have the whole world on the plate! Starting here, starting now, honey, every thing's coming up roses! . . .
l-r: Opus, Roscoe, Sassy, Mrs. Oz, Monte, Karl, & Ruis
. . . Clear the decks! Clear the tracks!You've got nothing to do but relax. Blow a kiss. Take a bow. Honey, every thing's coming up roses! . . .
l-r: Asta, Momo, Tigger, Gemini, Dragohneart, & Victor Tabbycat
. . . Curtain up! Light the lights! You got nothing to hit but the heights! You'll be swell. You'll be great. I can tell. Just you wait . . .
front l-r: Bonnie, & China Cat
back l-r: Tybalt, Samatha, Percy, Sanjee, & Miles
. . . Curtain up! Light the lights! We got nothing to hit but the heights! I can tell, wait and see. There's the bell! Follow me! And nothings gonna stop us 'til we're through . . .
standing l-r: Daisy, Pepi, & Adan in limo l-r: Sammy, & Willow
. . . Honey, every thing's coming up roses and daffodils! Every thing's coming up sunshine and Santa Claus!Every thing's gonna be bright lights and lollipops . . .
standing: Zoey
in limo l-r: Trixie, Pyewacket, & Tigger The FBI Cat
. . . Honey, every thing's coming up roses and daffodils! Every thing's coming up sunshine and Santa Claus!
l-r: Yao Lin, Maggy, Momo, & Charlie
front: Pinot
. . . Every thing's gonna be bright lights and lollipops! Every thing's coming up roses for me and for you!"
Red Carpet photos exclusively by Ruis
Clothes designed and worn by Asta - Asta
Clothes designed and worn by Mrs. Oz - Mrs. Oz
Clothes worn by Adan, Daisy, Miles, & Monte designed by - Karl
Posted by
Sassy Kat
11:23 AM
paw back