Photo by Momo
After sipping on delicious New Zealand wine that Momo brought from home Ollie decided to get some exercise and climbed up on the roof. While she was up there she had the perfect idea on where to have the party! The party would be hosted right at the location of where the show was filmed at. We all agreed that this was the perfect place!
Photo by Karl
The cast joined us in a glass of wine while we waited for the necessary decorations, food, and tables to be delivered so the party could begin.

Photo by Ruis

All of a sudden we heard Asta shouting from the garden . . . we all raced over to her and to our surprise we see our loved ones that have gone over the bridge appearing in the fountain! . . . we couldn't believe our eyes . . . how nice to see them here with us again . . . we also took this time to commemorate all the men and women who died while in military service since today is Memorial Day.
Later in the day Miles wanted to act out the first ever CCSI corpse scene one more time. Ruis, a most talented director, could not pass up shooting another scene. Ollie and Asta assisted Ruis with the camera work so this spontaneous moment would be forever remembered in film.

Photo by Ruis
Finally the food is cooked and we all gather around to enjoy the finest buffet prepared for today's celebration of a wrap. It is so great to be with great friends, sharing in good food and fun. With full bellies everyone was talking about what I was up to next. I had tried to hire entertainment and make it a surprise for all but nothing in the blogging world can be kept a secret for long. Finally I could let the humans out of the bag and the entertainment could begin. . . . Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, kitties, and doggies, presenting for your entertainment . . . ELVIS!
Photo by Sassy
. . .not one, not two, not three, but four! The Elvis impersonators are ready to take the stage!!
Now it is time to party hardy!!
Looks like you're all having fun. You guys always put on some fun cast parties.
Great party Sassy!! This is the best CCSI ever! I'll get to work on the Review right away and let you know when I publish it!
Your Tuxie Furiend,
Woohoo, what a party!!!! Another glass of Momo Pinot Noir???
Wow, what a great time we had! The Nip Wine was great, we oved seein the actors in their best poses from the pictures, and it was great ta talk ta them about their interpretations of the various scenes! We learned a LOT about how actors and the production crew thinks!
An we had SO MUCH fun just runnin around and meetin all the cast kitties and the crew...
LC and Ayla
Let's face it: we not only know how to produce a great show - but we REALLY know How to party!!! Right on....
The party looks like a success and you can tell you all had fun.
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