The CCSI team went over the Will with a fine-toothed comb and some fancy chemical analysis. They had the lab check the ink for age and for forgery. Sure enough, the ink is new and doesn't match Old Cat Famous's paw prints! But we just couldn't find anything for sure. We had to leave. No body, no crime…

Wow, a helicopter arrived to return us all home, flown by Skeeter's old friend Flyright Mhor. Skeeter and the CCSI team board and are lifted away, dejected. As they rise in altitude, Detective Skeeter gazes out the window. His ears perk up.
Skeeter: "Lt Dewlap and Lt Meezer, look out here. See the dead trees below? And the pond? And that evergreen forest? And look at the mound over there." They are exactly like Lady Di Famous's personal garden!

And then he yells to Flyright, "Hey, can you land over there by that mound?"
Flyright Mhor: "Sure thing Skeeter, some catnip down there?"
Good old Flyright, he turned the helicopter around so fast there were hairballs all over the place…
Skeeter: "Not Nip, Flyright, something sad, I suspect."
They land and all hop out. Lt Dewlap immediately crinkles his nose.

Lt Dewlap: "Dead kitty here, Skeeter. Sorry."
Lt Meezer was first to find the mound entrance. She rushed in but came out crying. "It's Fergle", she says. "I'd bet 2 lives on it." But she is a professional. She went back in and took fur samples. It was Fergle, as her equipment showed. There was even fur in his mouth; Lady Di Famous's.
Back at the Old Famous Place, we confronted Lady Di Famous with the facts.

She broke down in tears, as all good criminals must. She confessed she did it to get the estate for herself and her daughter Brighteyes. From the look of horror on Brighteyes's face, we knew she wasn't involved. That was a relief! Lady Di was lead away helpless by the scruff of her neck.
Skeeter: "I was well-paid in Nip and Ham. A few days later in my office, a tapping came at the door. I cautiously opened it and in walked the most beautiful lady cat you ever saw. Diamond-studded collar, soft smooth fur, micro chipped for sure, and I bet all her shots are up to date too…

She said her name was WowWow Evermore and that she had a 'slight problem' maybe I could help her with." WowWow: "Ooh, is that fresh Nip?" Skeeter: "Join me in a Niptini and some ham, and tell me about your problem"? Life is good…

* * * * * LITTLE PRODUCTIONS * * * * *
Detective Skeeter - Fat Eric
Mr. Sylvester Famous - Luxor
Lady Di Famous - LC
Bright Eyes Famous - Perfectly Parker
Lt. Dewlap - Titus
Lt. Meezer - Ayla
Flyright Mhor - Angus Mhor
Fergle "Mousemaster" Famous - Miles Meezer
Wow Wow Evermore - Pearl
Obsequious Servant/Furred Non - Dr. Tweety
Executive Producer - Sassy Kat
Producer - Opus
Writer - Skeeter
Adapted To Script - LC & Ayla
Head Director - Ruis
Assistant Director - Karl
Advertising & Marketing Director - Momo
Costumes - Asta Set Designer - Karl
Graphics - Ruis & Karl
Promotion - Karl
Casting - LC & Ayla Chief
Repurrrorter - Samantha
Notes: No critters were actually harmed in the production of this play. Any similarity to critters real or imagined is entirely accidental and fictional.
In Memory Of Skeeter
Copyright Little Productions 2009
Hope you all enjoyed this exciting episode of CCSI V. With each show we try to have something new that has never been done or seen with our productions. The black and white cinema work will assure this one will be right up there with the Bogart classic movies. And how did you like that there was a BODY this time. Yes, an actual murder. Though I need to remind all that no furries were hurt in anyway during the filming.
I am happy to say that there is a script for CCSI VI. Right now that is all I am allowed to say. Be on the look out for casting. We are always looking for new talent that we haven't discovered yet.
Oh, sorry I must say please don't audition today or anything. We cannot accept early auditions at any time. But we do take stories at anytime. So get the paw to the computer or paw to pen and paper and come up with ideas if we are to continue with new shows.
CCSI V:The Old Famous Caper will be in reruns all weekend. Then on Monday we will have a cast party and there will be photos for all to see.
We give this production 8 PAWS UP!
Sassy, Sassy!!!!!
What a totally fabbers production!! We loved the script and the wonderful cinematic old black and white genre!!!
And the costumes were divine...
That kitty whose um date expired....oh dear...we sobbed horribly.....(Scruffy did looked sorta interested though...he found a bird once who looked like that!!!!!)
We're gonna know and cook up another batch of popcorn and watch it again!!!!
You kitties ROCK, Sassy Girl!!!!
Love ya lots,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan!!!!!
Pee ess...we got to meet Gooberstan in the flesh....!!!!! He drove throught the Burgh before he went to Asta's!!!!!
Ahhhhhh what a great feeling to have another fabulous show on the air!!! It is always fantastic to finally see it broadcast! We will watch it all day! Awesome work, Sassy, in pulling this all together!!!
And we know there were many 'hurdles' this time, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This movie is a masterpiece!!! A mystery plot written by a great mancat who unfortunately is not with us anymore.
The black 'n white was a bit scary at first but after visting the filming location and seeing the 50's costumes and make-up I was convinced...
The talented actors and actresses were a joy to work with! So YES, we can be proud we made this movie!!
Bravo!!!!! Another CCSI well done! Thanks to the very talented cast, crew and writers!
It's a shame Skeeter wasn't here to play himself, but Fat Eric did a great job. The cast was great. We enjoyed the black and white film and the script.
We imagine Skeeter's TBT is proud and happy. The tribute to Skeeter was a tear-jerker.
Good job, all of you.
Very nicely done, like the script, wow, a helicopter ride, nice touch. Thanks again for coming by.
Another classic! Somehow I knew that mound in Lady's Di's garden was very suspicious. I am glad the case was solved!
Excellent Job!!!
Sassy you can be vewy pwoud!
I lovedit and it twooly is a classic..how could she! I knew she was suspicious fwom the stawt.
love and smoochie kisses
I hope you definitely take the syndication deal so we can watch reruns of this fabulous production for years to come! When is it coming out on DVD? I'm proud to know you and all of the kitties and woofies who were involved in the production. You are true artists!
Goober love & smooches,
THis was a great show. Mom read it to s twice!
Oh my gosh! That was a real claw biter. I hoped that Fergle would be OK but just like on the mystery shows mommy and I watch, the only happy ending is that justice was served to Lady Di Famous. No nip for her in prison!
Skeeter did a great job with this caper. sigh, we just wish he was here to play his part. We just know he can hear our clapping and praise at the Bridge.
Great job CCSI gang! Another perfect show.
This was a real tear jerker, we are so glad Lady Di Famous was caught.
We loved the glamorous costumes and the black and white movie. It reminded Mommy of the old movies she used to stay up late to watch. She was a big Clark Gable fan. We are giving these movie 16 paws (we all loved it). ~S,S,C & F
bravo!!!! author author!!!!!!
OH I just KNEW that mysterious garden would offer us a clue! Great episode!!!
Oh my...dis was one of dem stories dat gets yoo all cawt up in it! We sniffed a little when dey found Fergle...it's sad what greed will do.
That Lady Di is no lady! How could she do something like that? Crime never pays! Great show everyone! Bravo!
Poor Fergie, that was sad.
This is a classic and will be talked about for years to come.
It must be a great feeling when all your hard work results in a show like this one! You deserve a big round of applause!
Yay!!! We really enjoyed this one!!! We were so enthralled with the story, we forgot to eat our popcorn!!!
Wonderful production - rounds of applause for the team! We watched it twice and will play it again for Gran when she comes over in the weekend.
Sassy...is it time for the FREE POPCORN yet???
We so love this show!!!!!!!
Barkin' at ya sweet girlie!
Pee ess...I'm parched...could I order 3 Cokes to go with that extra large tripled layered BUTTER popcorn???????
Bravo! Bravo!!!
Popcorn for all - cutie Gucci is here with his machine.....
What a wunnerful episode! We watched it several times...
Great Caper!!
I got my root beer and popcorn and sat down to watch the show. I was so enthralled that I forgot to eat or drink during the entire performance. Everyone was fantastic! I loved the show. It's just so sad that Skeeter wasn't here to accept the applause that he so richly deserves.
Came over from Erics to see the production and say Hello. I think it was brilliant. Very well done and you should be proud.
Hugs GJ xx
Well done - congratulations to the cast and crew! The boys loved the action scenes, but Tasha's favorite part was WowWow Evermore (go torties!)
Sassy Sissy!! BRAVO BRAVO!!!
We really love the black & white cinema. It's so classy!!! Everyone on the show look fabulous!
Momo & Pinot
Well Done!!!!!!
We were a tad sad that Fergle got done in,but happy that Lady Di Famous
got what she deserved! HISS!!!!!!
We were very excited with this production!! We all give it 4 paws up!!!(each,heehee)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
That was Top Notch, ya'll! Ol' Sasquatch would've been happy to tickle ivories for us on that last reel...Skeeter..WowWow, ham and niptini's...ahhhh, life IS good. I give it the CB's Pawe d'Or!
Another pawsome episode! We loved it!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are all trying to fit on the couch together to watch reruns! That was awesome!
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