The one nice thing about St. Pawdy's is that on this day everyone is a little bit Irish.
Graphics by Karl
Back row l-r: Ruis, Karl, Momo, Socks, Roscoe, Opus & Ms. Oz.
Front row l-r: Sassy, Asta, Stanley, Pinot, Momo, Carybdis, Scylla, Emil & Charlie
Before the St. Patrick's Day parade we all met at the Dublin Temple Bar. Temple Bar (Irish: Barra an Teampaill) is an area on the south bank of the River Liffey in central Dublin, Ireland. Unlike the areas surrounding it, Temple Bar has preserved its medieval street pattern, with many narrow cobbled streets. It is Dublin's cultural quarter and has a lively nightlife that is popular with tourists. Temple Bar is in the postcode Dublin 2 (D2), and has an estimated population of 3,000.Drinks are on me come on in and have a drink of green beer!
I have a pair of St. Patrick's Day glasses for all of you that would like a pair. Please take a pair with you and wear as you help celebrate St. Patrick's Day, have fun with them.Graphics by Momo Kitty
St. Patrick's Festival is Ireland's official celebration for Ireland's national holiday - St. Patrick's Day. Around the globe on the 17th March, Ireland is celebrated with parties and parades but the BIG party is here in Ireland where there are celebrations in style with five days and nights of fantastic celebratory events, most of which are free . . .
Graphics by Asta & Sassy
. . . so whether you are Irish or just wish you were, Ireland is the place to be in March to enjoy Ireland's biggest party.
Photo by Sassy Fashions by Karl
Gathering in the Red Room at Dublin Castle before the ball.
Graphics by Karl
The evening ball at St. Patrick's Hall
St. Patrick's Hall is the grandest room of the State Apartments, and contains one of the most important decorative interiors in Ireland. Formerly the ballroom of the Lord Lieutenant's administration, today the room is used for presidential inaugurations. It is one of the oldest rooms in the castle, dating from the 1740's. The most significant painted ceiling in Ireland executed by Vincenzo Valdre (c. 1742–1814) is in this hall. Comprised of three panels, the ceiling depicts the coronation of King George III, Saint Patrick introducing Christianity to Ireland, and King Henry II receiving the submission of the Irish Chieftains.
Graphics by Asta & Sassy
Today was Asta's surprise to Stanley by having an I Got Ya Day and we were all invited.
Graphics by Opus & Roscoe
All good things must come to an end so we loaded up the flying van of Opus & Roscoe's and headed home. I fell silent as I glanced out my window and saw Ireland getting smaller as we pulled away. My heart was a little heavy as this trip was coming to an end . . . or was it?
Check out the other travels on the St. Patrick's Day events with Momo Opus & Roscoe, Karl, Emil, & Mrs. Oz, Ruis, Asta, Stanley, Momo & Pinot, Charlie, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis. Please visit their place for more of the Ireland story.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Pawdy's Day
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:01 AM
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Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you. Please help yourself to a glass of beer if you are of drinking age and a pair of St. Pats sunglasses are for all to take and pass along to your friends.
Love your new profile photo - guess it's not going to be there long. What an exciting and fitting end to our trip in Ireland.
Sassy - you look funky with those glasses! See our buddha here - he wears your glasses too!!!
What a fun trip we are having!
Happy St Pawdy's Day Sassy Sissy..
Thank you fow a most wondewful memowable twip..thank you also fow the pwesents!!!
I just finally put my pictoowes up.I hope I didn't make too many mistakes..I should do it when I'm less sneepy, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Thanks for the glasses, Sassy. Momo sent them to me and I have it on now. I look very Irish in them. Come and look!
What fun you are having over there! I do wish I could have come with you.
Didn't we have FUN today. Going to be hard to top this. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Happy St. Patrick's Day sweeite! We sure hate to see our trip come to an end so we are not even going to think about it.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)
Ah, Sassy, it must be hard to leave all that behind. We've enjoyed your adventure!
This is shelter photo day around here so Jan will be hogging the computer. But we asked for a few minutes to come wish our friends a happy SPD.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Weally like weading about yur twip. Hope I can come awong on the nexts one.
Woof & Licks
That flying looks like fun! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Be careful in that flying van.
Happy St. Patrick's Day Sassy!
Momo sissy
I couldn't find the tuwbans and coocumbew slices and my head aches and my eyes awe swollen wahhhhhhh
smoochie kisses,Asta siss
Stoopid ME..I said Momo sissy, when I was witing to you SASSSY!!! I do know the diffewence..sowwy
and smoochies
Asta siss
Aha! So we're not the only ones who have left a message on the wrong blog, even though we knew where we were. Poor Asta, we know how she feels.
Thanks for sharing your St Paddys day pics with us!! I can see you are having so much fun :)
Purrs Mickey
I'll have to tag along next year if that is OK. You are all having great fun. I may have trouble getting Bendrix to leave the pubs, but I'll keep him in line.
Have a great trip home! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Wow, what a fabulous trip you have all had! It's been exciting to follow you on your adventures. And I love the pictures!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Looks like we have both put up our easter profile pics!
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