It's a surprise birthday party today for Rusty and Samaritan at Jan's Funny Farm. Everyone is invited!!
Poster by Momo Kitty
While I was visiting blogs over the weekend I saw a comment from Jan that Rusty's birthday was on March 1 and Samaritan's birthday is on March 9. She also mentioned that they were going to have a quiet celebration at her place on Wednesday. Never one to let anything be done quietly I immediately started making plans for a surprise birthday party for the two birthday boys.
Photo by Sassy

Photo by Asta
Eagerly helping with the birthday plans were my sissies Momo and Asta. Ideas started to flow and action taken to acquire invitations, posters, presents, photos, food, drinks, presents, birthday plates and napkins. Opus, Roscoe, Momo, and Pinot were in charge of making sure the surprise stayed a secret until the moment the invitations were sent out.

Please head over to Jan's to help celebrate Rusty and Samaritan's birthday. All of the table decorations, food drinks, and presents are over at the Funny Farm. I guarantee you will have a fun time.

Oh, and a big Happy Birthday to Rusty and Samaritan!
As oosooal, you did a twemendous job!!1 The pawty is suwe to be a gweat success! I hope lots of ouw fwiends come and help us celebwate!!!
smoochi ekisses
ASta siss
That cake looks great!
Happy Birthday to Rusty and Samaritan! You sure know how to throw a wonderful surprise party. I already stopped by for some of the delicious cake.
ps: Thanks for introducing me to Punkin. I already stopped by and said hello!
Hey, Momo,
Thanks to all of you, we are having a wonderful time at Rusty & Samaritan's surprise party. Opus & Roscoe and Momo & Pinot sure did a great job of keeping the secret.
We dropped over to visit Pumkin and leave him an invitation to the party.
Oh, dear. Too much food dulls the brain. We meant to say -
Hey, Sassy!
We're at your place. We're headed to Momo's now. You're not Momo. But you already know that. We hope. Don't worry. We know it. We're just excited today.
Sassy You awe the bestest pawty givew of all time..Ithink we need to make a special awawd fow you!
smoochie kisses
who is Punkin??that Daisy is talking about??
I'm having too much fun..I'm getting no wowk doe at all today, hehehe
smoochie kisses,Asta
What a wonderful party! Thank you all for your hard work. Everything turned out just fine.
And thank you also for inviting us. We really enjoy ourselves!
Opus and Roscoe
Oh Sassy what a lovely party! Everything looks wonderful!
I went over and visited. It is quite a party you organized, Sassy! You and your sisters (and brother!) outdid yourselves once again!
Okay, Sassy, we know where we are this time. Just stopped by to check on you. You were having delusions last we heard from you - confusing us with Jan again. (Although we would prefer to not have to admit to calling you Momo earlier, it was us and not Jan.)
Back to the party.
Hey sis, isn't that a great party? All our friends are there. You are and Asta are just such good party organizers.
I akshually ate mowe of the cake fow Rusty..Mommi was twying to huwwy and not put too many pictoowes up and she left out Rusty's ake..we'll go fix it wight now..
I pawsonally think that both cakes and the cupcakes and all the food in genewal was sooo delicious at Jan's pawty..I'm going back fow mowe latew..awe you going to be thewe??
I nevew got the email about the new little I don't know how to go say hi..stoopid pooter
smoochie kisses
We're having a wonderful time. You did an eggsellent job on the sirpurrize party.
Jan is doing fine on her sugar intake, thank you.
We're not sure where Momo is at the moment. But we do know she isn't you. Haha.
Good night, Sassy. It was a great day. You deserve some rest after all the hard work you put in today. Plus dancing.
We "birthday boys" had a great day, thanks to all of you.
Rusty & Samaritan,
Sissy, thank you for your great job!!! That was the bestest pawty!!!
Momo & Pinot
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