Back Row l-r: Emil, Mrs Oz & Karl
Front Row l-r: Opus, Roscoe, Sassy, Momo & Ruis
Time is nearing for the Welcome Home Party for Asta. The CCSI gang is heading over to New York to make sure we are there in time.
I am bringing along several movies that I thought some of the kitties might be interested in . . .
The Cat In The Hat
. . . I also found a new game on the market called CatdyLand so I purchased one and I am bringing that along too . . .
. . . after opening the game up I can see that it looks like a pretty fun game.
Don't forget about the party at Asta's hosted by Scruffy, Lacie & Baby Stan. Everyone is invited!!Photo by Karl
l-r: Mrs. Oz, Sassy, Karl, Ruis, Roscoe, Opus, Emil & Momo
We are all ready, see you soon!!!
Looks like we are off! See you all at Asta's
Oh we can't wait for the party!
I am quite looking forward to this party!
Great entertainment!!! We will have so much fun - I am not sure if they put up enough litter boxes, hahahahahahahahahah
My name is Koobuss and I am a wire fox terrier.
I am busy helping Scruffy, Lacy, & BabyStan plan the surprise pawty for Asta. I'm glad that you are bringing the videos. Check my blog later to see the watch group assembled by Asta's door. Tomorrow there will be a lot more photos.
Koobuss Kisses,
I am on my way over! I cannot wait to play Catdyland!
Sassy...that was wild in Central Park with ya...I didn't like being chased by those dogs either, nasty creatures. Thanks for scratchin' that one that looked like it was gonna take my head off.
I never thought I'd be saved by a CAT!!! Can I buy you a purrgrrita somewhere????
Thankful barks,
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