Little Productions is proud to announce that we have a script for the next CCSI III written by Criz. Be sure to stop over at Criz's place and congratulate him on joining the ranks of writers for Little Productions.
The next installment of CCSI III is titled "Missing Mummy Caper" and will air in early May. Casting for CCSI III will take place on Wednesday of this week. If you would like a part in the show please leave a comment on my blog. We are looking for new talent for this show and will use seasoned actors if the need is there.
The decision on auditions will be completed this week with a post announcing the new cast of CCSI: Missing Mummy Caper.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Posted by
Sassy Kat
12:01 AM
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I would like to put my name down for any suitable role in the new production. It looks very exciting. I am a two and a half year old female kitty with no acting experience. However, my mom has and she is willing to coach me if necessary.
I'd love to be considered for a part in your fine show... I think a ruggedly handsome Aussiecat is just what your show needs!
Announcement and linkies have gone up in the CB - looking forward to new talents to show up for audition in the new production.
How interesting! I think if you need another actress I wouldn't be opposed to the opportunity... But only if you can not fill a part...
Mrs. OZ
I hope there might be room for a bun this time! ~Lando Bun
Our Trixie asked me to tell you that she has some mummy pictures up on
Hey, Faith-Boo heres,
i's little, but hey, i can act. Member how I scared 6 different peoples at tha shelter till they sent me back home. How I gotted the name Boomerang? i's been told I'm kinda cute, too.
But only if it's not too long, i can't stay away from home too long.
Fanks, Faith-Boo
Hi, this I am writing for all my kitties - they are ALL bugging me for a special role in CCSI III! Especially Izi...
Oh, please put my name down for the audition! I would love to try my paw at acting. Thank you for opening it up to inexperienced actors. This is so very very exciting.
Please count me in for the auditions! I will teleport over from Maui to try out for a part!
Thank you for your consideration...Miss Peachy
Oh heck - we thought you meant Egyptian mummys! We are sorry about that. We apologise.
Oh heck - we thought you meant Egyptian mummys! We are sorry about that. We apologise.
Yabaa Dabba Doo~~ Let Janice be in as one of the casts since she's the oldest amongst the babies.
By the way, thanks for all the supports and assistance during Jessica's disappearing act. I appreciate it a lot.
Right now I'm still trying to get as much rest as I could and slow down on things a bit. This is the first time I have encountered such a stubborn bug... :P
Oh, the Taylor CatSSSSS would LOVE to be in a production!!!
ME - BILLY - would like to pawticipate!!!
How exciting! :) Merlin would like to audition, since he hasn't been in a production before. :)
One of us would be thrilled to participate if there is a role for us. We do not care which one of us is chosen, we trust you to pick the perfect kitty for the role.
Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
We would like to audition furr parts, but we haf to be locked up furrom Saturday furr two weeks, so rehearsals could be a problem. We fink we can teleport through purrizzen walls though.
We are not being locked up furr being bad kitties. It's cuz we got bad Beans who desert us.
I would love to be in your show.It sounds so exciting and fun and my mom would be jealous :)
Wow! You got a lot of new talent Sassy! So cool! I can hardly wait to write the review!! "Missing Mummy Caper" sounds intriguing! Is it okay to write up some mini intros for the new Cators that are picked for the parts? Let me know!
China Cat and I are so excited about the new show. We were both in CCSI II and loved it. It looks like you have a lot of new talent interested! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help with the new production!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
I would like to be considered for a role. I will work very hard to get my part just right.
OH - I think I withdraw for this time! There are so many talented newcomers who want to audition and be a part of it - let them go first!!!!
Mrs. OZ
(I know - I would be a newcomer too but because my house mate Karl is so involved in CCSI I feel already like being a part of it.....)
Myself and Griffin would be honored to have a chance to be in CCSI! I'd recommend Griffin for a character who mysteriously goes missing lolol!
Um, is acting hard? I don't like to do anything hard or that takes a lot of enerjee...or hurts. Speedy sez dat I'm a good actress cuz I act like a big tuff kitty even tho I'm only 6 pounda and haf no claws. If yoo think der is a part fur a tuff little gerl I would try to do it.~Zippy
What a wonderful response CCSI has had! This is sooo exciting! Don't worry because anyone who isn't in this show, will automatically be considered for a part in CCSI VI (we hope that is okay to say since we didn't check with the other bosses). We just thought that sounded fair.
Good luck to you all! We are looking forward to CCSI III.
Opus and Roscoe
ps. Mrs. Oz do NOT with drawl your name, please! You have a right to be in the show as much as any other animal.
Hey, Jan's been hogging the computer again, but we sneaked over on her lunch break.
Our Cameron would like to audition for any suitable part in the new CCSI. He's a very handsome Tuxedo cat.
I'd love to be considered for a role in your show! Perhaps you have a role well-suited for a very girly-girl blonde? *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Please konsidur me for a part in yur show if you've gotta role fur a feisty young Meezer boy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
If you have a part well-suited for a brainy tomboy-girlcat, please consider me! *GRIN*
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo!
And if you need the kitty equivalent of John Wayne (yes, I can swagger, too!), then I'm your Alpha Cat! I'd love to be considered for a part in your fine show.
Rumbly purrs and floofy headbonks from Brainball!
The kitties here at Jewelgirls
would enjoy adding their mugs
to your grand production!
Spooky Do, Daisy Dukes,
Aniwa Scrat & Shadow (Miss Lady).
No experience but willing to
pose and be posers. :)
Hi Jewelgirl here
my page for cat blogging is:
The kitties are featured in the
sidebar and other posts.
Spooky Do - male -
Daisy Dukes - female - calico
Aniwa scrat - female - tortie
Shadow Lady - female - tortie
They all say Pick Me-Ow! :)
Wow that's a great response! Can't wait to see the show!
Is it too late to audition? Lucky and I would like to give acting a try.
Roxy & Lucky
Wow, you have had an amazing response....but not surprising, everykitty wants to be in on the fun. The Taylor CatSSSSS consist of:
Seaborne: Male White Lion
Sam: Male
Summer: Female Calico
Spats: Female Tortie
Sassy: Female Calico
Sassy REALLY wants to play with you cause you share the same name!
We drew straws to see who got to try out from our blog and the winner was Scylla. She is a 1 year old female.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Sassy siss
Good luck wif this newest pwoduction..I'm suwe it will be as good ow bettew than all the othews!!!
If you don't find enough actows..I'm available, butI've had so many chances alweady..I hope new talent gets a chance
love you and look fowawd to seeing what's next
smoochie kisses
Asta sissy
Hey thanks for visiting my blog Sassy!
I am a female siamese who will be one years old on May 5th!
ummmm, i am a soft, fluffy, young kitty who would prolly be best at just being inna background. i am shy, but i would just LOVE to be in one of your productions. an "extra", maybe? i could be a kitty shopping for some yummy wheat grass, or admiring some pretty fev-vers or something? if you don't efur need anycat like that, i understand an' it's ok. i just thought i'd ask. thanks for listening.
Auditions are going great! Thanks for all that have stopped by. Now the hard process starts and that is the casting.
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